Management commitment
Nous sommes engagés à fournir des services de formation de haute qualité, à répondre aux besoins de nos publics et à contribuer au développement professionnel et personnel de nos apprenants. L’engagement de la Direction joue un rôle essentiel dans la réalisation de notre mission et de nos valeurs fondamentales. Voiciun document décrivant notre engagement envers nos publics, nos employés et notre réseau partenarial :
Commitment to our audiences:
We are committed to understanding the needs and expectations of our users and offering them training solutions adapted to their specific objectives.
We strive to provide high-quality training services, with a focus on relevance, reliability and added value for our audiences.
We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction of our learners by providing continuous monitoring, assessing their needs and taking corrective action if necessary.
Commitment to our employees:
We value our employees by recognizing their contribution, fostering a respectful and inclusive work environment, and encouraging their professional development.
We are committed to providing resources and ongoing training to support the growth and professional development of our employees.
We encourage the active participation of our employees in the continuous improvement process and in decision-making related to the quality of our services.
Commitment to our partnership network:
We strive to be a responsible partner in our territory, contributing to its economic and social development.
We are committed to respecting ethical standards and regulations in force in all our activities.
We encourage our employees to get involved voluntarily in solidarity initiatives and projects, in order to strengthen our positive impact on our social environment.
Commitment to continuous improvement:
We are determined to continue the continuous improvement of our processes and services, drawing on feedback, evaluations and trends in our social environment.
We encourage innovation and the adoption of new technologies to improve efficiency and the learning experience of our learners.
We put in place regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to measure our performance and identify opportunities for improvement.
This commitment from Management is communicated to all members of the ABC FORMATION team, and we strive to put it into practice on a daily basis in all our activities. We firmly believe that this commitment contributes to our success and the satisfaction of our audiences, our employees and our partnership network.
Commitment of our center to the environment:
Fewer prints, more responsible use
Gestion responsable des déchets: Nous favorisons une gestion responsable des déchets en encourageant le recyclage et la réduction des déchets à la source. Cela contribue à minimiser notre impact sur les décharges et les incinérateurs.
Water conservation: We have implemented measures to save water, including the use of water-efficient dishwashers. This initiative helps reduce our environmental footprint by preserving this precious resource while maintaining a high level of comfort and efficiency in our center.
Mobilité durable: Pour réduire notre empreinte carbone liée aux déplacements, nous encourageons le covoiturage, l’utilisation de transports publics, le télétravail lorsque cela est possible, et l’utilisation de véhicules électriques ou hybrides pour les besoins professionnels.
Reduction of carbon emissions: Most of our employees use public transportation to get to work. This practice contributes significantly to reducing our carbon footprint by reducing the use of private vehicles and promoting more sustainable and environmentally friendly modes of transport.