Discover our Intern Internal Rules 

These regulations must be read, dated and signed by the trainee. He will become aware of it before entering the internship and must comply with it throughout the duration of the action.


Trainees are required to respect the training schedules set by the training center and brought to their attention either by invitation, when the schedule is submitted, or by email by the trainer or the head of the educational organization.


The training center opening hours are 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

A break of 1/4 hour in the morning and 1/4 hour in the afternoon are scheduled during the training day.


Any person not registered for an internship is prohibited in the center, on outdoor construction sites and during in-company internships.


Proper and decent attire is required. Any signs of belonging to a religious group (veil, cross, etc.), political or otherwise, will not be tolerated within the training center or during company internships.

In particular, the following are prohibited:

Vêtements troués ou avec des slogans incitant à la haine, au racisme et à la consommation de produits illicites, couvre-chef (casquette, chapeau, foulard…), minijupe, short, bermudas.


To justify the attendance of trainees, an attendance sheet must be signed each half-day.

6.1 In the event of absence, the trainee must notify the internship manager or the organization's secretariat no later than 48 hours in advance and provide proof.

6.2 Any unjustified absence constitutes an offense liable to sanctions and will result in invoicing to the learner or their company.

6.3 For interns seeking employment, paid by the state or region, any unjustified absence will result in withholding of remuneration proportional to the duration of the absence. In the event of repetitive or unjustified delays or absences, sanctions will be taken by the trainer.


Repeated delays constitute an offense punishable by sanctions and may result in the deduction of one day's salary for job-seeking interns, paid by the state or region.


Illness Absences due to illness must be justified by a medical certificate stating the probable duration of incapacity, within 48 hours of the start of the absence. Any extension of the work stoppage must be reported in good time.


Provocative attitudes, breaches of security obligations, behavior likely to put pressure on other learners, disrupt the progress of teaching activities or disturb order in the establishment are prohibited. Learners must respect the rules of politeness and courtesy among themselves and towards all establishment staff and visitors.

They must refrain in the establishment and its surroundings from any manifestations of aggression, violence or affection between them which would deviate from relations of strict camaraderie. Any sexual assault as defined in articles 222-22 to 222- of the new penal code may be the subject of information or a complaint to the judicial authorities. The same will apply to all facts falling within the scope of Articles 434-1 et seq. of the new penal code.


The use of alcohol or any other drugs is prohibited in the center, workshops, modules or during company internships.


Smoking is prohibited in the training center and in the classrooms.
11.1 The trainee against whom the director of the organization plans to take a sanction will be summoned to an interview by registered letter or delivered against discharge. During the interview and the disciplinary council, the trainee can be assisted by a person of his choice, trainee or employee of the training organization.
11.2 Notification The sanction is the subject of a written and reasoned decision, notified to the interested party in the form of a registered letter or delivered against discharge within 15 days following the disciplinary council.
Furthermore, the management of the center will inform the company which pays the intern as well as the sponsors of the internship of the sanction taken against the intern.


The telephone and the use of the Internet are exclusively reserved for job searching.

12.1 Aucune communication provenant de l’extérieur ne pourra être transmise aux stagiaires sauf cas urgent et grave.

12.2 Les téléphones cellulaires devront être éteints pendant les heures de formation et hors de portée de l’apprenant pendant les passages de certifications


Safeguarding property and premises Tools, machines and computer systems must only be used as part of training and under the supervision of trainers.

13.1Chaque stagiaire est personnellement responsable du matériel qu’il utilise ou que l’organisme lui a confié.

13.2La perte ou la détérioration des matériels utilisés peut être considérée comme une faute et devra être portée à la connaissance de la direction qui prendra les mesures nécessaires.


Fire Any anomaly, accident or fire must be reported to the trainers, the secretariat or the management.

The fire warning and safety devices are displayed in the various premises of the organization so that they are known to all trainees.


Interns are recommended to keep their papers and money with them and not to leave valuable objects unattended on the premises. ABC FORMATION declines all responsibility in the event of theft.


Compliance with the rules and protocols in force within the training center to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus


Parking Trainee vehicles must be parked in the organization's parking areas, respecting prohibited or reserved parking.


Under no circumstances should a learner leave the establishment on their own initiative outside of scheduled hours. Any outing outside of these planned hours can only be carried out after authorization from the Center Director or the educational manager.


The progression of sanctions in the event of non-compliance with articles 1 to 9 is:

  1. Written invitation,
  2. Interview with the Center Director,
  3. Written notice,
  4. Temporary exclusion,
  5. Permanent exclusion