Valid for life, the Professional French Diploma Health will allow you to certify that you are able to use French effectively, orally and in writing, in the main professional communication situations, in the field medical and paramedical.


Who is he talking to ?

This Diploma is aimed at any person practicing a medical profession to interact effectively in French with patients, their families and with nursing and medical staff, in order to enable institutions and companies of the sector of better serve French-speaking patients and customers or develop in a French-speaking market.

What is its content ?

The activities offered always place you in the situation of a health professional. You are required to interact with French-speaking patients and healthcare professionals in various structures, and in the professions associated with them.

The activities cover recurring and transversal communication situations at different health, medical or paramedical professions, in healthcare establishments (hospital, retirement home, care center), in private practice or in humanitarian structures.

Examples of activities: Complete a medical file, design prevention support, complete a care protocol or write a prevention note on health risks, explain a medical procedure, speak on a public health subject to an audience of non-specialists.

Recognition by the French Ministry of the Interior

Professional French Diplomas are recognized by the Ministry of the Interior to validate your level of French as part of a request for Resident Card or naturalization with the French State.

Unlike the TEF, they are valid for life and will bring added value to your CV.


Detailed description of the French Health Diploma by level

This Diploma is offered for levels B1, B2 and C1.

Health B1

Health B2-C1

Health B1


The B1 French Health Diploma validates CEFR level B1 French proficiency. It corresponds to approximately 250 hours of learning.

It certifies competence in French at an independent level, which allows the user to understand and express themselves in everyday situations of social and professional life.

The holder of this diploma can carry out common professional communication acts in a current or generally predictable context.

Skills assessed

Understanding and processing information:

Le/La candidat·e peut comprendre les éléments essentiels de documents professionnels tels que des dossiers patients, des fiches médicamenteuses, des documents infographiques, des protocoles de soins, des fiches de liaison, des fiches techniques de santé publique.

Il/Elle peut renseigner des documents professionnels usuels et rédiger des ordonnances, les différentes parties de dossiers patients, des supports d’éducation à la santé, des lettres de recommandation.

Le/La candidat·e peut comprendre l’essentiel des informations et des demandes de patient·e·s, de confrères/consœurs, ou du personnel soignant qui l’entoure.

Interact orally:

Le/La candidat·e est capable d’informer un·e patient·e sur son traitement, le/la conseiller et répondre à ses questions, informer un public de non-spécialistes sur un sujet de santé publique et les mesures de prévention associées.


Durée totale de l’examen : 1h50

Health B2/C1


The B2/C1 French Health Diploma validates French proficiency at CEFR level B2-C1. It corresponds approximately to 350 hours of learning.

Il certifie une compétence en français de niveau indépendant, qui permet à l’utilisateur/utilisatrice de communiquer efficacement dans une large gamme de situations de communication professionnelle.

The holder of this diploma can carry out, orally and in writing, professional communication tasks, in all standard situations in their professional environment, including those which involve some management of the unexpected. .

Skills assessed

Understanding and processing information:

Le/La candidat·e peut comprendre les éléments essentiels de dossiers documentaires sur des sujets de santé publique, une planche anatomique légendée, une fiche descriptive d’acte médical/examen/intervention.

Il/Elle peut renseigner des documents professionnels usuels et rédiger une note sur un risque de santé, un compte-rendu sur un thème de santé, une lettre de transmission de résultats et de recommandations.

The candidate can understand the essence of broadcasts on a health subject, questions from worried patients about a medical procedure/examination/intervention.

Interact orally:

The candidate is able to present and explain a medical procedure/examination/intervention to a patient and reassure him/her, present an illness and health actions.


Total duration of the exam: 2h30