Valid for life, the Professional French Business Diploma will allow you to certify that you are able to use French effectively, orally and in writing, in the main professional communication situations and that you are operational in relational functions, administrative and commercial aspects of the company.


For who ?

All  students or professionals who work or will be called upon to communicate in French in a professional context and who wish to validate their acquired knowledge with a diploma.

This diploma is aimed in particular at staff of companies or administrations, in all functions which put them in communication, orally or in writing, with French-speaking interlocutors.

Applicants must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Be 16 years or older,
  • Be a reader/writer. Recommended minimum level of secondary education,
  • Be able to enter text on a computer and use the mouse to point
    an element or move it,
  • Have at least theoretical knowledge of the realities of the professional world.

    Examples of activities and themes covered

    Activities : Complete a form, comment on a graph, write a note, write a report, meet and provide information to a client, present your professional journey, argue with a decision-maker.

    Themes : Professional world, business, social, economic and commercial realities, negotiations.

    Detailed description of Diplomas by level

    Business French offers five Professional French Diplomas Business, from level A1 to C1, the DFP B1, and two Professional French Diplomas Secretariat, level B1 and B2 :

    All our diplomas have been registered in the Inventory of CNCP – National Commission for Professional Certification. It lists the certifications and authorizations corresponding to transversal skills exercised in a professional situation. To know more.

    The registration of our Diplomas in the Inventory allows learners who follow training including the passing of this certification to benefit from the financing of the Personal Training Account (CPF)

    Business A1


    Business A2


    Business B1


    Business B2


    Business C1

Business A1


The A1 Professional French Business Diploma validates CEFR level A1 French proficiency. It corresponds approximately to 60 – 80 hours of learning.

It certifies basic competence in French: the holder of this diploma can understand and express himself in the simplest and most usual situations of social and professional life in a familiar context, to carry out very simple professional tasks.

Skills assessed

Understand and process information:

The candidate can understand the essential elements of very simple professional written documents to carry out professional tasks.

He/She can understand the gist of a short and predictable message, face to face or on the telephone, to carry out very simple professional tasks.

The candidate can write very short standardized professional messages related to a current social and professional activity.

Interact orally:

The candidate can establish very simple social and professional contacts and exchange to carry out professional tasks in a limited number of known or predictable situations.


Total exam duration: 60 min.

Business A2


The A2 Professional French Business Diploma validates CEFR level A2 French proficiency. It corresponds approximately to 120 – 150 hours of learning.

It certifies basic competence in French: the holder of this diploma can understand and express himself to carry out communication tasks in the very simple situations of the most usual social and professional life.

Skills assessed

Understand and process information:

The candidate can understand the essential elements of simple professional written documents to carry out simple and common professional tasks.

He/She can write short and usual professional messages related to usual social and professional activity.

The candidate can understand the gist of a short and predictable message, face to face or on the telephone, when it concerns their usual field of professional experience.

Interact orally:

The candidate can, with simple language, establish social contacts, describe their experience, their activity, exchange factual information, express an opinion, a preference, ask questions, etc., in a limited number of situations practices on common and known subjects.

Total exam duration: 60 min.

Business B1


The B1 Professional French Business Diploma validates CEFR level B1 French proficiency. It corresponds to approximately 250 hours of learning.

It certifies competence in French at an independent level, which allows the user to understand and express themselves in common situations of social and professional life.

The holder of this diploma can carry out common professional communication acts in a predictable context.

Skills assessed

Understand and process information:

The candidate can understand the essential elements of simple reports, texts or common professional documents.

He/She can understand the gist of a predictable message (in its form and content), face to face or on the telephone, within his/her field of professional experience.

The candidate can take elements provided to organize them in a given format, write current messages, related to usual social and professional activity.

Interact orally:

The candidate can take part in current exchanges in their professional context, describe their activity, exchange factual information, discuss an option, give explanations in practical situations on known subjects.

Total duration of the exam: 1 hour 45 minutes.

Business B2


The B2 Professional French Business Diploma validates CEFR level B2 French proficiency. It corresponds approximately to 350 hours of learning.

It certifies independent-level French language proficiency, which allows the user to communicate effectively in a wide range of professional communication situations.

The holder of this diploma can carry out, orally and in writing, professional communication tasks, in all standard situations in their professional environment, including those which involve some management of the unexpected. .

Skills assessed

Understand and process information:

The candidate can understand important details of most of the company's professional writings. He/She is able to extract relevant information from professional documents (reports, instructions, instructions, notes, emails, letters, etc.) to act effectively.

He/She can understand long, structured interventions or interactions and take notes to write reports, summaries, reports, etc.

Interact orally:

The candidate is able to present structured information, relevant arguments, to convince his/her interlocutor or audience, he/she can react to the arguments of others and defend a point of view in presentation or presentation situations. formal interaction (meeting, round tables, negotiation, etc.)

Total duration of the exam: 2h30.

Business C1


The C1 Professional French Business Diploma validates CEFR level C1 French proficiency. It corresponds to approximately 500 hours of learning.

It certifies proficiency in French at an experienced level, which allows the user to communicate effectively, precisely and adapted to the interlocutor, in all professional communication situations.

The holder of this diploma can carry out professional communication tasks with ease, orally and in writing, in all standard situations in their professional environment. He can also adapt his communication to react effectively to unforeseen situations.

Skills assessed

Understand and process information:

The candidate can understand and process a wide range of long and complex documents, written or oral, accurately identifying points of view and arguments, even implicit ones, appreciating nuances of style and tone.

He/She is capable of writing professional writing that is structured and precise, nuanced and adapted to the recipient, as part of a commercial transaction or in response to an identified problem.

Interact orally:

The candidate is capable of developing rich and precise arguments, of finely structuring his/her speech and of adapting flexibly to unforeseen events. He/she can improvise an appropriate and effective response to a complex or unexpected question.

Total duration of the exam: 2h30.

Secretariat B1 and B2

Professional French Secretarial Diplomas levels B1 and B2 prepare them for the use of French in the main professional communication situations, both orally and in writing, for administrative and secretarial professions whatever the function, specialization, or sector of activity.

They certify functional competence in French, which is based on specific situations in secretarial professions. They attest that the candidate, placed in a work situation facing a French-speaking professional, is capable of using French effectively. They evaluate and validate the level achieved in written comprehension, oral comprehension, written comprehension and expression, oral expression necessary in professional activity.


Targeted audience :

Professionals or students wishing to work as employees of companies, institutions or international organizations and attest to their skills in communicating in French whatever their function (secretary, assistant, receptionist, office worker, etc.), their specialization (commercial, legal, administrative secretary, etc.), their sector of activity (industry, commerce, services).


The B1 Professional French Diploma certifies the ability to understand and communicate in French in the business field.

It validates French proficiency at level B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
At this level, the candidate is able to understand and express himself in the most common and usual situations of social and professional life. He can carry out, with a limited vocabulary and simple grammatical structures, acts of professional communication in a known or predictable context.

The B1 Professional French Diploma tests last a total of 2 hours 45 minutes and provide an overall score out of 100 points as well as a score per test to reflect the linguistic profile of the candidates.
To succeed, the candidate must obtain 45 points out of 75 in the written tests and 60 points out of 100 points in all the tests.

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