The French Office of Immigration and Integration – OFII
Presentation of the OFII
« L’office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration (OFII) est un établissement public administratif sous la tutelle du ministère de l’intérieur, conformément à son statut inscrit aux articles L. 121-1 et suivants du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile (CESEDA).
The OFII is the first contact for the reception, support and integration of foreigners.
Its main missions are as follows:
- The reception and integration of newly arrived foreigners authorized to stay permanently in France and signatories as such to a republican integration contract (CIR);
- Reception and support for asylum seekers (reception in one-stop shops, management of entries and exits in dedicated accommodation places, payment of the allowance for asylum seekers (ADA), participation in the system relocation, etc.);
- Assistance with the return and reintegration of foreigners in their countries of origin;
- Management of regular immigration procedures in conjunction with prefectures and diplomatic and consular posts (family reunification requests, long-stay visas, etc.);
- Issuance of the medical opinion as part of the residence authorization procedure for health reasons.
For more information : and
The Ministry of the Interior, responsible for the reception and integration of foreigners intending to settle permanently on French territory, relies, in this mission, on its operator, the OFII, whose network of territorial directorates (DT) ensures representation in mainland France and overseas.